Long time no see! So, what's new in In Stars and Time world? Well, a few things. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/9c2325b00078c1e498fe1299918793a4442d6a3e.jpg[/img] ✨[url=https://theyetee.com/collections/in-stars-and-time?dt_id=1167349][b]More merch is available on the Yetee![/b][/url] Along with a T-shirt and some stickers of the party, you can now buy yourself a beautiful Loop shirt and an amazing Loop and Siffrin standee! Isn't life beautiful. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/c85ed2c8869fbbb85473951b8bd649f7e6872f87.png[/img] ✨[url=https://insertdisc5.itch.io/isat-wallpapers]I also released some [b]ISAT wallpapers[/b] for you to use on your computer or phone![/url] Don't you want that High Quality Loop Wallpaper on your iPhone? Of course you do. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/2adad32d70ff2f3ac77d45b5ae97070eff410ffb.png[/img] ✨[url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/1bffwbu/im_insertdisc5_developer_of_turnbased_timeloop/]I gave an [b]AMA[/b] a couple of weeks ago over on the /RPG subreddit![/url] A LOOOOT of questions were asked, so mayhaps you'd like to give it a look? (Note: it is SO SPOILERY. Don't look unless you've finished the game!) ✨I also gave [b]many interviews[/b] if you wanna hear me talk a bunch about the game???? [url=https://youtu.be/Wbmi4E32alI?si=27RsSa5ujVVQBVSp]The Best Role I Never Played [b](Interview with Vixen of Jelloapocalypse fame)[/b][/url] [url=https://youtu.be/5foprVJGBcY?si=1tS9v74qxOkXfqUB]Exclusive Interview with "In Stars and Time" Developer Adrienne Bazir [b](With Indie Game Culture)[/b][/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQVeoiW0u9I\]Story Craft: A Conversation with In Stars and Time's Adrienne Bazir [b](Pixel Therapy Podcast)[/b][/url] PHEW. You're now all caught up. We still have a few little surprises coming in the next few months, so stay tuned, okay? 👀✨✨✨ As always, if you liked the game, don't forget to [b]leave a review on Steam[/b]! Reviews show the Steam Algorithm(tm) that ISAT is cool and funky fresh. I often get asked what the best way is to support the game, and leaving a review is one of them, along with [b]telling your friends[/b]! Word of mouth is SO KEY for any indie game. If you like an indie game, tell people about it!!! Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support!!! Talk to you soon~