Hello folks! Your friendly neighborhood producer here to fill in for Adrienne as they are currently in Japan showcasing in Stars and Time at the Tokyo Game Show! We have a special treat for you today in the form of a brand new trailer, some new screenshots, and a [b]BRAND NEW DEMO THAT YOU CAN PLAY RIGHT NOW[/b]! This demo will only be available through the end of the month, so be sure and check it out while you can! Be sure and let us know what you think! [i]Note: As this demo contains a modified version of the game's start to get you into the action as soon as possible, your progression will not carry over into the full game when it launches next year.[/i] But that's not all. We also have some great news to share; In Stars and Time will be coming to Nintendo Switch on launch! Whew! That's a lot of news! Thank you to everyone for all your excitement and interest in the game! If you haven't already, please take a moment to wishlist the game on Steam, and be sure and follow Adrienne on Twitter via [url=https://twitter.com/insertdisc5]@insertdisc5[/url]!