[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/49d2a592484956b817a1e07e5f908ee6b3cea63c.png[/img] Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog! If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, a timeloop RPG, which is also the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1691420/START_AGAIN_a_prologue/]here[/url]!). You can find out more about In Stars and Time [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1677310/In_Stars_And_Time/]here[/url]!!! LET’S GET TO IT. This month has some [b]Big News about Big News Incoming[/b]! And also some [b]illustrations[/b]! The Big News Incoming first: [b]In Stars and Time will be a part of [url=https://heyglitch.com/future-of-play-direct]Future of Play Direct[/url] on June 10, 8:00am PT | 11:00am ET | 5:00 pm CET![/b] Future of Play is part of the Summer Games Fest and showcases a lot of incredible indie games, so I hope you’ll tune in. There might be a little something for you to see :> And... [b]In Stars and Time will also be a part of [url=https://mediaindieexchange.com/]The Mix[/url] on June 8th! [/b]The Mix is an amazing games showcase over in LA. There will be a lot of press there, so I’m very excited to get some eyes on ISAT! Please stop by the booth and say hi to the lovely people from my publisher, Armor Games Studios, if you get the chance! Alright! That’s it for the big news. Now for other big news. [b]Porting the game to Switch seems to be close to done![/b] Currently, the porting team is taking care of optimization thingy things. The game is playable, but tends to drop frames every so often, so the team is optimizing the game to make sure it’s playing smoothly so Switch players can have the best possible experience! And… [b]The (hopefully) final round of Japanese localization is underway![/b] Last April, the localization team sent back a couple of sentences that should be reworded now that they have further context. Now that those changes are implemented, they are playing it one more time to make sure everything works as intended! I sadly don’t have a Fun Gamedev Thing to talk about this month (or… last month either…) because I moved elsewhere back in April and have been taking care of many things so my move went smoothly. Did you know that moving and getting used to a new town is hard work? So, here’s some things I posted on social media in the last couple months! [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/03338234e0d3b7195e115b334de80e45eacfa5a5.png[/img] Here’s an illustration I drew a while back but only posted recently! I imagine that during their journey, everyone must’ve shared a bed at least once. This is also an occasion to show everyone’s sleepytimes clothes. Siffrin on that honk shoo honk shoo fit [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/93b84d12f8c70adce4970691b1575336ae0208b6.png[/img] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/42149522/347a158a3b0784312d3229fb4d3b28eb29073156.png[/img] Like many people, I have seen the Barbie movie trailer. So of course I had to redraw [url=https://twitter.com/insertdisc5/status/1662138778054541333]these iconic frames[/url]. And someone over on Tumblr asked me about [url=https://insertdisc5.tumblr.com/post/717741974391832576/hi-hi-i-just-wanna-say-i-love-your-game-and-its]how I picked everyone’s names[/url]! Here it is copy-pasted for your convenience. [i]Siffrin: i think. i will wait until the game comes out before saying how i picked their name. ask me again later (it’s not a spoiler its just silly) Mirabelle: her name was actually Prunille for the longest time, but I kept mixing it up and calling her Bonnie… so I went looking for another fruit sounding name (prunille>prune>plum in french) and Mirabelle fit her perfectly :> (Mirabelle is a kind of plum!) Isabeau: it’s just a nice name. It actually is a girl name but i refuse to accept it because “beau” is the masculine form for “beautiful”, but either way it fits his character pretty well… Odile: old sounding french name. that’s it. when i was early in preproduction her name was Isabeau actually (and she had a WAY different personality) Bonnie: it’s a nickname and not their full name. have i said their full name yet? (checks the [url=https://in-stars-and-time.fandom.com/wiki/Bonnie]wiki[/url]) i did. Boniface is just a name that I had never heard before, and I could easily imagine Bonnie not liking it because it sounds “old and lame”. i think as they get older they would like it more and more [/i] This is also a reminder that [url=https://in-stars-and-time.fandom.com/wiki/In_Stars_and_Time_Wiki]In Stars and Time has a wiki page[/url]. I am so grateful that this is a thing someone made. You know you've made it when your game has a wiki page!!! That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!! AND DON’T FORGET TO WISHLIST THE GAME ON STEAM ALSO IT REALLY HELPS BECAUSE STEAM’S ALGORITHM IS MORE LIKELY TO SHOW OFF GAMES WITH A HIGH AMOUNT OF WISHLISTS THAT’S THE REASON WHY GAME DEVS ALWAYS ASK TO WISHLIST!!! OKAY BYE!!!!