We have long wanted to share this great news with you and finally we can do it! Admiral Games has signed a contract with the Freedom Games, so The Immortal Hunters will be released on Steam in Summer. Thanks to everyone who waited for this moment with us. The story of Inholm, a city that survived the Khemrid invasion, will come to life on your screens. Four Hunters with their own set of abilities and unique playstyles will confront the hordes of the underworld creatures really soon. Take up to three friends on your team and go fight the evil beasts in co-op mode. Or challenge yourself and try to beat the game alone. As a reward for completing missions you will receive equipment, feel free to combine it to get advantages and increase the character’s effectiveness significantly. Add Immortal Hunters to your wishlist so you don't miss the game's release! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336760/Immortal_Hunters/ A fruitful cooperation with our publisher made this game possible. Freedom games are definitely great guys and we believe that our cooperation will bring our game to more gamers. Choosing among many publishers, we settled on this one, since they have a great track record of helping other indie games reach more players. For those of you who may not know, having a game publisher like Freedom Games greatly helps indie developers focus on game development while they handle all the behind-the-scenes magic. From helping manage store pages to crafting marketing campaigns and even helping the game shine at both digital and live events, publishers help in all the aspects that indie developers often struggle with. Our journey has just begun, but an important milestone has already been passed. Thanks to our colleagues for the great work on this exciting project, and thank you, dear players, for your attention and support. See you at the release!