Update 1.3
Author: tburke360,
published 3 months ago,
New Content:
-The apple orchard is now a possible map you can get in endless mode
-Pumpkin Masters pumpkin pals now lose 1 health per second.
-Pumpkin pals always have their health bar above them to show how much longer they will be alive
-Pumpkin Pals damage dealt has been doubled
-Pumpkin Pals speed has been increased
-Added new animation and sounds for when the pumpkin master summons a pumpkin pal
-Pumpkin Pals size has been doubled
-Pumpkin pals now make unique sounds when damaged
-Audio now plays when interacting with relics
-When leveling the apple cider barrel, the player now heals extra to make it more noticeable their health has improved.
-In Co-op time based relics now give 5 seconds instead of 10, to balance out the fact that both player get the bonus
-In Co-op the cider barrel (Health Upgrade) costs 1 more ice cream per level to balance out there being 2 players.
-Fixed a bug that caused fresh air to disappear when using a melee attack as Troy Collins
-Fixed Pumpkin Master not being able to use Ice Cream makers.
-Fixed Pumpkin Master not being able to use Air freshener
-Fixed Fierce Joe dealing no damage
-Fixed Knife clowns hitboxes
-Fixed a bug that caused you to load into episode 2 if you are defeated on episode 5
-Fixed one of the sock piles in episode 3 not spawning air freshener when destroyed