Join us on November 4-7 for [url=]SAVE&SOUND[/url]: an online music festival celebrating the fusion of innovation and artistry in gaming audio. 🐟🐡🐠 [b]Don't miss[/b]: Exocolonist audio team [url=]A Shell in the Pit[/url] will be discussing their first in-house game [url=]Fish Game[/url] on Nov 4 at 1pm PST (10am CET) [url=]here on Steam[/url]. I love aquarium sims and this is for sure the best one I've played. The plants and hardscape customization is soooo good and they're still adding stuff all the time (but no breeding yet - IT'S HARD). 🎮 [b]All week (Nov 4-11)[/b]: the [url=]Exocolonist demo[/url] is up for a limited time. 🏷️[b]Also all week[/b]: Exocolonist will be on sale! 🎶[b]Also-also all week[/b]: We're streaming the Exocolonist soundtrack on [url=]Steam[/url]. Our soundtrack features two hours of tracks from fourteen artists, including Em and Gordon from A Shell in the Pit (who did our sound and trailers too). If you want to know more, [url=]I wrote a blog post about it[/url]! 🎉[b]Also-also-also all week[/b]: listen to rad soundtracks and amazing sound design in the other [url=]festival games[/url]. Hosted by Bedtime Digital Games and a group of amazing creators, the live SAVE&SOUND show will stream [url=]here on Steam[/url], and on [url=]Twitch[/url] and [url=]Youtube[/url]. See the [url=]official site[/url] for more info.