I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is officially released today! I started development almost exactly five years ago, and wowowow has the game ever grown up since then! [previewyoutube=oRRanzUQ0Vw;full][/previewyoutube] I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who supported Exocolonist and helped create it. Artists Meilee Chao, Eduardo Vargas, Sarah Webb, Leanne Roed, Sarah Roland, Diego De la Rocha, and our hundred card artsits for making the game so breathtakingly beautiful. Narrative designer Lindsay Ishihiro for making us laugh, cry, and fall in love with their moving prose. Gord, Em and others from A Shell in the Pit Audio, and all of our incredible musicians, for adding another dimension of wonder and beauty to the game. Thanks to my husband Colin Northway for helping with tricky algorithms and game balancing, and for a tremendous amount of emotional support, idea-bouncing and code checks over the last five years. Thanks to our publishers Finji, our QA and porting teams, and a very special thank you virtual hug to our incredible beta testers and all of our fans for your support and encouragement. And to my dad, who has logged hundreds of hours living life after life on the planet Vertumna. Thank you, friends. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830808/3c25fc946b0591a945b5c8c8e85f7ccde288eacc.gif[/img] Okay enough mushy stuff, it's release day! Time to get in there and decide what sort of Teenage Exocolonist you'll be. Vertumna awaits! - Sarah ːnyaaː [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830808/8d8c81325b30fe5d015d480c956e15240ec60546.gif[/img]