Hey, everyone! We’ve just released a new update that adds some expanded features and quality of life updates, these include: [list] [*] [b]Expanded level overview[/b] - Giving you more info about each kill after you finish the level, making planning your next run a little easier. [*] [b]New Graphics Settings[/b] - Toggle post processing and lighting quality [*] [b]Full Mixed Input Support[/b] - Gyro users should find this incredibly helpful! [*] [b]Gore Toggle[/b] - Less blood, same action [*] [b]Left Handed Mode[/b] - Harding now holds their (or more than likely a COI guards) gun in their left hand. [/list] [b]* Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Crouch bug fixed [*] Default reticle displays when using traps/equipment instead of the 'no entry' one [*] Snowmen can now be kicked (if you are so inclined) [*] Enemy radio displays correctly [*] Throwable objects no longer hit bullet shells [*] A number of other small bug fixes [/list] You’ll also find some UI updates on the main menu that lets your cycle through multiple new features, general performance improvements and a number of bug fixes (listed above). And with all of that completed, we can additionally say we're very close to some bigger updates we discussed in our post launch roadmap which launches very soon! These include: [list] [*] Gamepad Remapping [*] No Timer Mode [*] Ability to select specific bonus objectives before starting a level [*] Ability to select level groups. [/list] We’ve been blown away by the support I Am Your Beast has received and it’s thanks to all of you that we have been able to continue supporting this game. THANK YOU! See you on the internet, - Strange Scaffold.