[h2]Hello Horror Tales fans![/h2] The release of the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1343340/HORROR_TALES_The_Beggar/]Free Demo of Horror Tales The BEGGAR [/url]was a [b]HUGE success[/b]. One of the reasons I launched the Demo was to get feedback and OH BOY, the community did delivered! To everyone that shared feedback: a big thank you. Sometimes I am so focused in the details of the development that some things just slip by. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38024081/0f0df36c8d5ddae103d074abab0e09b37de21513.gif[/img] After a weekend to relax, it was time to get working again and today I give you the first update of the Demo! [b]In this update you will find new features and refined gameplay.[/b] All implemented thanks to your suggestions :) [h2]Important new features:[/h2] [list] [*] The overall brightness of the night battle against Morvin has been increased so players can read the combat more clearly. [*] While changing the time of the day, now the current option appears, so there are always three options (Miday, Sunset and Night). Players got confused with only two options showed so I decided to also include the current option. If you change to that option, simply nothing happens. [*] Grabbing objets is now way easier and doesn't require you to look exactly in the middle of them. [*] Grabbed objects now appear lower in the screen so you actually see what is going on in front of you while grabbing and charging them. [*] Some big objects in the boss fight arena like boxes and barrels have also been scaled 0.9 so they when you grab them they do not obscure your view [*] The idle and walking animations have been refined so while in those states you don't see two floaty hands. [*] There is a new ingame cinematic in the desert with the drone after losing him in the canyon. If will fly thowards your objective. [*] The "change time" tutorial now indicates you need to move the mouse up and down to change between day states. [*] The small fires now emit true light. [*] The reespawn system has been improved. Now you won't be stuck in some rocks after falling and then reespawning. [*] The intro cinematic text have been changed to indicate the drone spent 32 years looking for you more clearly. [/list] [h1]NEW LANGUAGES![/h1] Thanks to the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1343340/discussions/0/4355621052302998980/]community localizations[/url], we now have support to [b]Turkish AND Korean[/b]! Thanks a lot to the community members Gökhan KOCAMAN and 손승호 for the amazing work! [b]With Portuguese, Dutch and German, we now have 5 of the 11 languages localized by the community![/b] You are awesome. Of course, now you have ingame easter eggs and also appear in the credits. Only French, Arabic, Italian, Danish, Finnish, Greek and Swidish localizations remain to be done! Do you want to help? [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1343340/discussions/0/4355621052302998980/]Take a look here[/url]! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38024081/c8f1ddebe19a18e033328a8d4faba5efe1bbeda1.gif[/img] So, that's it for now. This week I'll try to implement [b]support for SFR and aditional DLSS config settings.[/b] Now it is your time to play the demo and give me feedback! What do you think about these new features?[b] Anything you think should be fixed?[/b] A big hug, Carlos.