[previewyoutube=ba8pst_B178;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]Drive-Thru Dessert![/h1] Hello all you cool cows and chickens out there! We're back again this week with yet another devlog for Happy's Humble Burger Farm. Last week we took a look at the Jazzy Java Joint, three brand new caffeinated beverages, and a jazz band that just keeps on groovin'. This week we decided to pull the curtain back a bit and have Kaleb delve into some new features. We hope all you happy humble humans will enjoy taking a second look into the game! [h2]Happy's Humble Drive-Thru[/h2] Welcome to Happy's Humble Burger Farm, home of the chilled beef patty, can we take your order? With this new mechanic, players will have the option to turn on the drive-thru with a switch. Once this is activated, player's will now have to keep two pools of customers satisfied, increasing difficulty, but also potentially doubling the money earned. So deal with a little risk for a great reward! You wanna buy all those Barnyard Buds action figures? Well you better get to serving those extra customers on wheels. Action Figures ain't cheap! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39014501/a678b5f651939856225b27196b69d313cac03779.png[/img] [i]"Shut up and listen to my order! Take the six Salmon Nuggets, and throw two of them away. I'm trying to watch my calorie intake."[/i] [h2]What's For Dessert?[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39014501/833a3aa29fd114f6e23a750f6e649fad15a41922.png[/img] Another new feature we've added to Happy's Humble Burger Farm are new menu items for the restaurant. Introducing...[b]Hot Pies[/b] and [b]Chocolate Chip Cookies[/b]! That's right, now customers can dine on some delicious desserts when they order the Hot Pies and Chocolate Chip Cookies. These items are located above the Fries and Salmon Nugs in the walk-in. They have their very own microwave oven too cook in! [h2]Information Board[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39014501/a63381c2fccfb0263f7ea26a275e8591a53c942e.png[/img] Another new feature in the restaurant is the information board. This large LCD screen will tell you all kinds of information about your work shift. How many customers were served, what kind of performance you gave, how many orders were messed up, total accumulation of cash (a.k.a. Scythian Credits). [h2]Burgers in the Bog[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39014501/4f8b2e1dc81506df54992c0be48c1c030beb5eec.png[/img] We've added lush surroundings to the Burger Farm. What was once a barren cityscape is now lush marshes. The plant-life has certainly grown back in, and with it, wildlife! Crickets chirp, frogs croak, flies and mosquitos buzz, and loons wail as you walk about outside. Taking out the trash now feels like an ambient backing track to a meditation...far out! Charlie the Chillin' Chicken approves. [h2]Energy[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39014501/5315a3e6901022b9870724d6cc718ee1c1d48d11.png[/img] Energy will be yet another new mechanic in the full version of Happy's Humble Burger Farm. Players will need to buy energy bars and other items from vending machines to get their energy back. If you run out of your energy, not only will you be weak and tired, but you'll also go temporarily insane. You don't want that to happen! Especially not with Happy lurking about! [h2]A Long Way to Go[/h2] There is still a long way to go as we continue development on Happy's Humble Burger Farm. These are but a few new additions, features, and mechanics you can expect in the full version of the game. Speaking of....be sure to wishlist your copy here on Steam! It'll make Happy happy, and as we like to remind you every update....you wouldn't like Happy when she's upset. No one likes Happy when she's upset. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1433340/Happys_Humble_Burger_Farm/ Have a Happy Humble weekend!