Happy's Humble Burger Farm is 20% off!
Author: Sunny,
published 2 years ago,
[h3]Happy summer employees![/h3]
Hope you are enjoying a dynamic and fun summer! Happy wanted to let you know that a bonus has been sent your way based on your extraordinary performance during the first half of 2022!
[h1]🏖️The 2022 Steam Summer Sale starts now until July 7th and Happy's Humble Burger Farm is 30% off!🏖️[/h1]
[h3]Get it now before the patty gets cold![/h3]
As always, if you are interested in the job, come have a quick chat with our managers on the official social pages:
[*] [url=discord.gg/scythesaga]Discord[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.facebook.com/HappysHumbleBurgerFarm/]Facebook[/url]
[*] [url=https://twitter.com/HappysHumble]Twitter[/url]