Ultimate Reward & Featured Shop Bundle
Author: misplacedyank,
published 2 years ago,
I've got a hunch that if you hop on over to the Shop, you'll be able to grab the Marlin T. Buckets armor effect...
Everybody loves rabbits, which is why, with Marlin T. Buckets, nobody will touch a hare on your Spartan's head!
Please note: possession of the Marlin T. Buckets armor effect does not, in fact, prohibit other players from delivering unto you the full variety of dire fates that may come from various weapons, grenades, melee, fusion cores, and other instruments of destruction.
The Banished may be our enemies, but you can't deny that red looks good!
Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the Catawba Liver M12 Warthog coating.
A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards.
What does a Spartan in possession of the Banana Bombshell bundle say when they get the drop on the enemy?
Tell your friends more side-splitting puns from behind the wheel of all your vehicles, decked out in the most ap-peel-ing Banana Bombshell coating.