It looks like you're viewing me as the Halo Infinite Ultimate Reward this week! [img][/img] Would you like help? [A] Acquire Tactical Clippy by completing your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge :) [B] Equip Tactical Clippy on your weapons :) [C] Help Tactical Clippy claim the Mantle of Responsibility >:) A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards. [hr][/hr] Suit up, this ain't just another bug hunt... [img][/img] Grab the CAMBION helmet pack to unlock the fearsome CAMBION helmet, along with the UA/Februus, FCI-X/CIBO, and FCI-X/BANE helmet attachments, as well as the Lucky Number Seven emblem and nameplate. Head to the Shop and gear up to hunt the deadliest of Spartan prey.