Ultimate Reward & Featured Shop Bundle
Author: misplacedyank,
published 2 years ago,
Time for a Spartan strike!
The War Master Armor Set is composed of the War Master helmet, Blue Ash armor coating, MK12T2 CBRN/TRAILWATCH helmet attachment, AAP/Drachen Ordnance Pack chest attachment, UA/Chaka shoulder pads, Flexpoint gloves, Project STEPSWEEP wrist attachment, and Fireteam Grizzly emblem.
Mount a Spartan assault and grab the set from the Shop today!
The bane of remnant forces' network protocols.
Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the HUL-I/BNR/DEWSPRING attachment for your Rakshasa helmet.
A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards.