Prince of the SPNKr. [img][/img] Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the Purple Reign M41 SPNKr coating. A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards. [hr][/hr] Sometimes, pieces must be removed from the board in service of the greater game... [img][/img] Customize your CHIMERA armor with the Synthethic Runtime bundle featuring: [list][*] Abatur helmet [*] Decimation Adaptation helmet attachment [*] Cooling Star armor coating [*] Synthetic Markers mythic effect [*] Synthetic Emitters armor effect [*] Synthetic Runtime death effect [/list] Head to the Shop and become an ABATUR-class agent for your infolife assembly.