Purple Reign SPNKr | Synthetic Runtime Bundle
Author: misplacedyank,
published 1 year ago,
Prince of the SPNKr.
Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the Purple Reign M41 SPNKr coating.
A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards.
Sometimes, pieces must be removed from the board in service of the greater game...
Customize your CHIMERA armor with the Synthethic Runtime bundle featuring:
[list][*] Abatur helmet
[*] Decimation Adaptation helmet attachment
[*] Cooling Star armor coating
[*] Synthetic Markers mythic effect
[*] Synthetic Emitters armor effect
[*] Synthetic Runtime death effect [/list]
Head to the Shop and become an ABATUR-class agent for your infolife assembly.