Try on some new colors, if you're so inclined.s [img][/img] Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the Mark VII Mesa Inclined armor coating. A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards. [hr][/hr] You've got the BRXX Lightfire, which means it's the enemy team's bedtime, and you plan to tuck them in... under six feet of dirt! [img][/img] Secure the BRXX Lightfire bundle today for the following: [list][*] BRXX LIGHTFIRE weapon model [*] TORCHBEARER MARK VII helmet [*] UTIL/EmerSound Mark I shoulder pads [*] UA/Type DH MARK VII knee pads [*] Powerup Sights weapon coating for all weapons [*] Pacific Pitch armor coating for all armors [*] Horizons Beyond emblem [*] Radio Edit kill effect [/list] Walk faster to the Shop and blind others with your cyber-style today!