More maps, more experiences, and more jaw-dropping creations leveraging the Forge AI Toolkit have been delivered since Season 5 launched. [img][/img] Being able to create your own mini-Firefight experience, recreate campaign missions, or lose hours of the day by way of various minigames means the options are endless, and we’ve got plenty to show off today! [hr][/hr] [h3][url=]Grunt Wars Conversion[/url][/h3] Mode: [url=]Grunt Wars[/url] Credits: Hitmonchanel, Shrad Marden [img][/img] I saw this in the Custom Game Browser and had absolutely zero clue what to expect, but “Grunt Wars” sounded amazing. So, I jumped in immediately and I was [i]not[/i] disappointed. Waves upon waves of Grunts just pouring out from the Behemoth towers, all trying to capture a hill, yielded pure chaos. 10/10 experience. [hr][/hr] [h3][url=]Timberland Evolved[/url][/h3] Credits: Micheal B 2K8, D0ctorSmurf, Okom1, Virus11010, Darth Draius, MikRips, Mr IncrediJON [img][/img] Picture it. [strike]Halo: Combat Evolved[/strike] [strike]Halo: Reach[/strike] [i]Halo Infinite[/i], 2023. You can take a long stroll through the forest and get the strongest sense of déjà vu. That’s right. Timberland is back as Timberland Evolved, and it’s just as you remember it! [hr][/hr] [h3][url=]Storm Firefight[/url][/h3] Modes: [url=]Easy[/url] | [url=]Normal[/url] | [url=]Heroic[/url] | [url=]Legendary[/url] Credits: RiskiestSole35, DaBratva [img][/img] If you’ve played [i]Halo 3[/i]’s campaign, this will look exceedingly familiar. Storm the beach and take on waves of enemies in Storm Firefight, a recreation of—wait for it—the campaign mission The Storm. There’s even a Scarab for you to contend with! Adjust the difficulty as you see fit, and good luck. [hr][/hr] [h3][url=]Tower Defense Ultimate – Alpine[/url][/h3] Mode: [url=]Tower Defense Ultimate[/url] Credits: hiBeekle [img][/img] This is the tower defense mode you remember—limited lives, numerous enemy waves, and a set path they will attack along. Your job: Defend the towers and hold the line. Don’t let me be the one to sell you on this, check out Beekle’s video for even more info. [previewyoutube=aKkCGLeM_-c;full][/previewyoutube] [hr][/hr] [h2]Forge & Fancy-Free[/h2] Some other little bytes to sate your appetite… Maybe you find yourself longing to catch ‘em all, Halo style. In that case, [url=]@DanTheBloke[/url]’s Battle Arena is just for you. [img][/img] [url=]Map Download[/url] | [url=]Mode Download[/url] Or maybe you’re looking to play some soccer with vehicles… also [i]Halo[/i] style. [url=]You can do that too[/url]! [img][/img] [url=]Map Download[/url] | [url=]Mode Download[/url] [hr][/hr] [h2]Tutorial Training[/h2] If you’ve been struggling to create round-based modes that end and properly award the victory screen to the team that wins, let Fourkings13 help you out. [previewyoutube=4MPvtLFSjv0;full][/previewyoutube] Ducain23 is back with another AI toolkit tutorial. This time, he’s showing how to script wave intermissions and endless waves. His tutorial series is a great resource if you’re trying to dip your toes into the world of Forging AI. [previewyoutube=-0ZQf_Lipvg;full][/previewyoutube] [hr][/hr] That will bring this week’s feature to a close. We continue to be surprised and delighted at what you manage to create, and we can’t wait to see what’s next. In the meantime, see you in the CGB!