A small patch for Halo Infinite released today, August 25. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365036/790933e020955dd14a18a6a1657d8cada90c95da.jpg[/img] 🟒 Players who have completed both Season 1 and Season 2 Battle Passes will no longer receive a 'Congratulations!' message upon completing each match 🟒 Scope Glint has been reduced on the following weapons: [list][*]S7 Sniper Rifle [*] Shock Rifle [*] Stalker Rifle [*] Skewer [*] BR75 Battle Rifle [*] VK78 Commando Rifle[/list] 🟒 Rakshasa core armor attachments are now viewable on all body types To see the full list, and the known issues, [url=https://aka.ms/HaloInfiniteUpdate]head over to Halo Support[/url]!