Hi everyone! We have decided to delay our launch. We need a little bit more time to finish up some things that we'd really love to add to the game and to make sure that the game is as polished, bug free and awesome as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience! Luckily we don't need much longer and have only delayed things by just less than a month. Our new release date is... the 26th August 2024! (This also happens Lasse's (our developer) birthday! How serendipitous! Let's make his birthday the best birthday ever by having a wonderful launch day.) This also gives us some extra time to get the word out about our project before release. We are a teeny tiny team all wearing many hats and have not given promoting Hadley's Run the time that it deserves. You can help us get the word out by wishlisting us on Steam & sharing our project with anyone who you think may enjoy it. Thank you for you support and we hope you enjoy the game when it comes out! 🫶 🥳