
Grief like a stray dog - Detailed Information

Grief like a stray dog
Supported OS Windows
Developers Rayonist
Publishers Rayonist
Sold copies ~ 10,000
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«Grief like a stray dog» is a short interactive play about a young postwoman in a tight-knit rural community. In the outside world, WW2 rages at its apex. Nadia is thirteen. She delivers papers, letters. And death notifications to families of those killed in action.


Nadia’s character is based on the author’s grandmother. Inspired by tales of a childhood spent in a village near Rzhev, not far from one of the most brutal battlefields of the Eastern Front, most of the character arcs and plot points are based on war stories told by older relatives and locals; many letters are real.


The main visual inspirations for the game were kid’s drawings, neo-expressionism, Russian lubok art and Soviet book illustration

«Grief like a stray dog» is a meditation on war, community and human fate – part documentary, part Russian folk tale.

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