Wow, it's been a busy week for Gori! After revealing the [url=]origins[/url] of our intrepid trio of reluctant heroes on Tuesday, today they went to the circus as IGN play gori and reveal 10 minutes of exclusive raw-unedited gameplay footage as a Halloween treat. You can probably guess that the trip to the carnival was anything but peaceful! Watch the footage now to learn the answers to questions such as... [list] [*] Will our heroes survive the demonic flame thrower welding unicorns? [*] What does unicorn popcorn taste like? [*] How do you defeat maniacal carnival freak clowns? [*] Where can I Wishlist this game? [*] Who is that fish with a monocle? (Not answering this one... yet) [/list] Read the article here: [url=]IGN play Gori: Cuddly Carnage.[/url] Watch the gameplay here: [previewyoutube=5L0BANAnmF4;full][/previewyoutube] We'll be dropping a brand-new demo, as well as revealing more about Gori's fishy friend very soon - visit [url=][b][/b][/url] to learn more!