[h1][b]Hello everyone! =D[/b][/h1] Victor from Angry Demon Studio here to bring you people some awesome news! The production of Gori: Cuddly Carnage is at 100% and we’re making great progress. We are taking a lot of your feedback into consideration, remaking things that don’t work and improving things to MAX out the experience! xD We want Gori: Cuddly Carnage to be as good as we can make it, and your feedback helps tremendously! We don’t want to give too much away on what we are making at the moment… But a small peek maybe? ;) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/e1067dca27c163368158b99f241e85ee6bcc5c0f.png[/img] We are not fully sure how these new “Demoicorns” will play out in game yet, if we replace the old Unicorns or mix them in as bigger units. We’ll see =P we will do some tests with it before you people get your hands on it, we just stepped out of the concept face and into 3D so ;) it’s still very early on. This is ofc just a small taste of what’s to come ;) As you might have seen in a previous post we have a list of features / things small and big we need to fix and add that will come to the game at it’s full release. We got an early draft of the photomode working for example ;). If you want some more in depth cool behind the scenes stuff on current and previous things with [b]Gori: Cuddly Carnage[/b], [b]Apsulov: End of Gods[/b] and [b]Unforgiving: A northern Hymn[/b]. And also want to support us and help the development of our games, then consider joining our patreon. https://www.patreon.com/AngryDemonStudio Or donate to us on Ko-fi if Behind the Scenes are not your thing and you purely want to support us ;) https://ko-fi.com/angrydemonstudio Thank you all for your continued support! We love what we do and you people make it even more awesome! And as a small reminder we have a Discord too where you can chat and hang with us and the rest of our community. --> https://discord.com/invite/nM9xXFD For now I return into our demon dev cave to make some more 3D stuff xD. I’ll try to emerge a little more to bring you people some news and updates from now on though, so you people know whats happening and that we are not standing still =P. And I'll try to keep it spoiler free xD. Anyhow…. that's it for now! Until next time everyone, have an amazing day/week/month! xD