[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/3349d1932b31510141903d480a8d2f8f63e4b86d.jpg[/img] Hey everyone, hope you had a clawesome Halloween! Spooky season is officially over, and we thought we'd take this moment to go over the huge amount of reveals we dropped during October, and give you a little tease of what we'll be sharing in November whilst we're at it - so buckle up, grab your catnip and lets get to it. [h2]New Demo + Launch Date [/h2] Those of you with sharp eyes will have spotted a demo signup prompt at the end of our latest animated Story trailer - you've all got pretty proficient at the current offering that we've taken around the world to events and featured in Steam festivals by now - believe we've been watching all your speedruns and streams! We'll be looking to drop an updated demo with you all soon - so make sure you head on over to the swanky Gori homepage and signup to the newsletter so you can get notified in advance (as well as getting a few extra treats) - those of you that have been waiting for a console demo of Gori will be ESPECIALLY interested in this one, so be sure to share with your friends that don't play on PC! They'll thank you for it : [url=https://gori.wtf/mailer/]sign up link [/url] Speaking of upcoming dates, there'd been a lot of folks asking about the release date of Gori - first of all, THANK YOU! It warms our unicorn blood soaked hearts that folks are eager to get their hands on the game ASAP. Gori is now content complete, which is a VERY good thing, and the devs are now in the process of shining it up REAL NICE and making sure everything from the controls, to the optimisation, to the customisation options and combat are as smooth as possible to make sure you get the best experience you deserve. They are also working on a couple of extra surprises for you ;). Originally we'd had a ballpark release date of '2023' which is a bit vague and helps nobody as we move to the end of the year - given the ideas the devs have come up with, and that we wanna be sure they have ample time to make Gori the game it deserves to be - we've shifted the launch into 2024, but EARLY 2024 - as in 'here before you know it, honestly it's so close'. We'll be sharing a specific date with you all very soon in spectacular fashion, but for now cancel all your plans for the start of 2024 and get ready to fight the Adorable Army (and be sure you've wishlisted so you can grab that sick exclusive to our superstar fans skin!) Thanks for your patience! [h2]Clowns to the left of me... Ladybirds to the right[/h2] On the tail end of October we went all in on the FearFest and DreadXP scare events, and used them to reveal a brand new never before seen level in the form of an absolutely twisted Carnival Prison (sorry to those of you that don't like clowns, we get it). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/57ab3ad8ba94052ba8e1442bce7cc0ecc2902f67.png[/img] A little bit of a departure from the neon drenched streets and arcade wonderlands you've seen Gori slay out in so far, but believe us there's ample opportunity for all out fur flying combat beneath the big top, and plenty of parkour hoverboard challenges for you to test your skills against in a prison where the inmates have most definitely taken over the asylum. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/dfc8defdcdaf50fa6dcdc0bab70a95e1a85c3c32.png[/img] IGN recently hosted 10 minutes of raw unedited gameplay footage form an early alpha build of the level to give you a rough idea of what to expect (the actual level has WAYYYY more enemy density and combat challenge, so imagine this dialled up to 11) So go get a feel for the freakshow if you missed it [previewyoutube=5L0BANAnmF4;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Carnival Prison Enemies [/h2] Now you may have spotted a couple of new enemies during that combat or in the short trailers - here's a little more info on what you're going to be slaying during your trip out to the circus! [h3]"Pop" Corn[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/e6f3c6a41cd14f706e9c04c1e207494690423070.png[/img] A deliciously explosive variation of the default Uglycorn - though nobody has survived long enough to give a guess on what flavour they have! Whilst they lack the claws of their sliceycorn friends, or the large health pools of the Demonicorns, the Pop corn is a big threat in crowds, slipping unnoticed during a melee to get close to their targets and 'pop' - though often with a lot of collateral damage to their Adorable Army colleagues. [h3]Carnival Freak[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/eac7c37cda8b170ffefce4b1dbd38fcdbf575967.png[/img] Send in the clowns! And slay them! The Carnival Freak will sip his toxic barrel, and then spit toxic green missiles at Gori. If the player gets too close, the Carnival Freak will vomit directly at Gori, dealing significant damage. As the Carnival Freak performs these attacks, the eye under his green belly will become more and more exposed, and Gori is able to shoot the eye once it’s revealed enough to hit. After shooting the eye, the Carnival Freak will become hunched over, exposing the eye on his back which, once shot, makes him vulnerable to attack. [h3]LadyBug Jr.[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/aa0869cb3d0181022c21ec08c7c466d8bd6cd9c7.png[/img] Not quite as cute or wholesome as your favourite spring time insect, and packs one hell of a punch - we're keeping quiet on the ladybug, because the fight and mechanics around it is so fun that you should really experience it yourself - though... why is it called 'Jr.'. hmm.... [h2]Celebrating 4 Years of Gori [/h2] Did you know we've been working on gori for four years? Time flies when you're slaughtering unicorns! We dropped a video showing how we 'started at the bottom now we're here' from the early proof of concepts to the latest Beta build, what a difference 4 years and a ton of feedback from you all makes! (Also, keep an eye for those badass looking new glory kill animations in the footage!) [previewyoutube=1EhsrzHQUDI;full][/previewyoutube] Here's to almost being at the end of the Goriest, most glorious journey ever! [h3]New Level Reveal[/h3] If you made it this far then well done! That's a LOT to catch up on and we're proud of you - here's a little secret! We've got something coming up VERY soon revealing yet another level that's not been shown before. We can't give away anything regarding where it is or what it contains, but here's some gorgeous concept art from the game to get you in the mood! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37644815/3abb7fe38ad1248d0ca7d406a0f5ccf0c31a54a9.png[/img] That's all from us today - thank you as always for your hype and energy! Please be sure to share all the things in here with your friends, hit the links at the bottom to stay up to date with all the social content whatever platform you consume it on - and most importantly, hit that wishlist to convince the Steam gods about the good word of Gori. Until the next blog, take care! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1299690/Gori_Cuddly_Carnage/ [url=https://www.facebook.com/wiredpro/]Wired Facebook[/url] | [url=https://twitter.com/WiredP]Wired Twitter[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-9EJ9ddA6kC7H2czmwFvbA]Wired Youtube[/url] | [url=https://discord.gg/wiredp]Wired Discord[/url] | [url=https://www.instagram.com/wired_productions_games/?hl=en]Wired Instagram[/url] | [url=https://www.twitch.tv/wiredp]Wired Twitch[/url] | [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@wiredp?lang=en]Wired Tiktok[/url] | [url=https://www.instagram.com/wired_productions/?hl=en]Wired Instagram[/url]