Hello Steam Ovenists! A lot of players have been asking us to fix or check our achievements, so we went through each of them we were asked about, then tested and checked if they fully work. Two achievements were bugged so those were fixed as well! Please see here for fixes/ requirements/ clarifications on frequently asked achievements. [b][h1]Achievements We Looked Into:[/h1][/b] [list] [*] "[b]Pizza![/b]" - Make 50 pizzas. [spoiler] Achievable if player makes 50 pizzas accumulated from all game days played so far. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]You're A Business![/b]" - Earn $500. [spoiler] Achievable if player earns at least $500 Pizza Funds in profit accumulated from all game days played so far. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Tip Top Shop[/b]" - Unlock all currently released upgrades. [spoiler] Achievable if player unlocked every single upgrade in the 'Upgrades' tab from Chapters 1-5. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Toppings for Days[/b]" - Unlock all currently released toppings. [spoiler] Achievable if player unlocked every topping in the 'Toppings' tab and Figs, Zucchini & Artichokes from Chapters 1-5. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]You Tried[/b]" - Close shop on Day 1. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player has gone bankrupt (Pizza Funds need to be a negative) on Day 1. Probably very hard to go bankrupt if any pizzas made. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Bear Buddy[/b]" - Befriend the bear hobo. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player has fed pizza to the bear buddy hobo 6 times by Day 20. Unavailable if player didn't feed hobo or refused hobo even once before Day 20. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Consistent, Yet Intense[/b]" - Get a 5 star critic review. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. 2 chances - one on Day 7 and another on Day 13 in Chapter 1. Achievable if player has fed the TV personality critic a satisfactory pepperoni pizza scoring higher than 80% during chapter 1. Achievement given as soon as pizza is handed to the critic - no need to see reviews/ interview section. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Smells of Skunk[/b]" - Get a 1 star critic review. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. 2 chances - one on Day 7 and another on Day 13 in Chapter 1. Achievable if player has fed the TV personality critic an unsatisfactory pepperoni pizza scoring lower than 20% during chapter 1. Achievement given as soon as pizza is handed to the critic - no need to see reviews/ interview section.[/spoiler] [*] "[b]Have a Heart, Buddy[/b]" - Feed both hobos. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player has fed at least 1 pizza to each of the two homeless men in Chapter 1. Bear buddy hobo must be fed before reaching Day 20. Rufus Goldworthy hobo must be fed before the end of chapter 1. Both homeless men come back just once if the player has refused them pizza at any time. Unavailable if player fed only one hobo or didn't feed any hobos. [/spoiler] [*] [BUGGED] "[b]Good Service[/b]" - Fixed with 5.3.2. Serve 8 customers in one day. [spoiler] Achievable if player serves at least 8 customers (not counting refunds) in a single game day. [/spoiler] [*] [BUGGED] "[b]Za[/b]" - Fixed with 5.3.2. Make 25 blank pizzas. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player served at least 25 "blank" pizzas - meaning flatbread made of just dough with nothing on it - accumulated from all game days played so far. Achievement does not exist as a MyPad achievement, just as a hidden Steam achievement. [/spoiler] [*] "[b]The Saucemaker[/b]" - Help the daters. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player successfully, without refund, makes all 4 unique "dating" orders that appear randomly as a regular order. This one takes longer as it relies on luck of random order generation. Orders: "Onion pizza, please. I'm going on a date." "I need an onion and anchovy pizza to ruin this date." "I need an onion and anchovy pizza to make this date memorable." "I need a pineapple pizza to see which side of the debate my date is on." [/spoiler] [*] "[b]Deep Dish Intimidation[/b]" - Ignore the Deep Dish Gang. [spoiler] Hidden achievement. Achievable if player has refused all 3 pizza request from the robber in Chapter 2. Unavailable if player didn't reject all times during Chapter 2. Any other encounters with the robber outside of Chapter 2 are not counted. Interactions with the Robber as Flash in Chapter 5 does not count. [/spoiler] [/list] We hope this guide helps to clear some misunderstandings and confusions! Thank you :)