[b][h1]Chapter 4: BDP Pizzeria! [/h1][/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/194d66b54745c306cc403e397598a05e8d1435cb.png[/img] Hello Ovenists! Some waited a month, some waited a year, others maybe longer...But chapter 4 is finally here! Thank you all for your pizza support and well wishes! For the past year and a half, our team has been working hard on a brand new chapter for the game. Chapter 4 is locked and loaded with improvements, new characters, a new feature, new ingredients and even a new language. Are you ready to embark on our spiciest chapter yet? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/74cfc7ee047058995b73cb73214f1edb3ed14713.png[/img] [b]Here is what you can expect in Chapter 4:[/b] [list] [*] A world-famous pizza chain newly listed on the DoughJones, BDP Pizzeria! [*] New and familiar faces with a brand new story! [*] New plants to your improved garden! [*] More than 100 new orders and reactions! [*] Data based, statistically exact ‘Help!’ feature [*] New PNN and a very special segment! [*] New BGMs and character voices! [*] Upgraded recipe book! [*] Arabic localization! [*] Bug fixes and improvements! [/list] [u][b]Version Release Note[/b][/u] New: [list] [*] Chapter 4 - new story, characters, ingredients and decorations [*] New achievements [*] Permanent garden (with progression of chapter 4) [/list] Improvements: [list] [*] Gardening mechanics [*] Additional SFX [*] Steam cloud now available with/without TapBlaze ID [*] Mobile <> Steam transfer available with TapBlaze ID [/list] Bug Fix: [list] [*] Minor bug fix and optimization [/list] Here are some previews of what's to come in the chapter! New and Improved Garden! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/395c8d3b70fb683c0b4473e6f046823814d93496.png[/img] House Special Feature! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/ce3cecfaecffe0404d7e33c478f4837e534815f8.png[/img] Gadgets That May Be Worth The Gamble! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/0b95d607afc6e7d412cf428c9026a97a91e83bc8.png[/img] Promotional Ads Feature For When Your Business Is In A Pinch! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32745905/ab03282ecafa11f24167bc6b8ef0976f547f8988.png[/img] We hope you are enjoying the game and excited to meet our new chapter! Any feedback and bug reports are always welcome at pizza@tapblaze.com. Thank you again for supporting Good Pizza, Great Pizza!