Seeds and Sauces: A Summer Special Event (finally!)
Author: yuni,
published 4 years ago,
We apologize for the late delivery! Steam is a harder platform to change frequently and therefore in this event, we used our mobile version to bug test beforehand.
..Well, you know how some pizzerias have a 30 minute delivery policy? Although at Alicante’s 30 minutes usually means your pizza isn’t coming, we had another idea. [b]We will be giving away the ‘Wiggly Ear MyPad Skin’ free of charge in our next update! [/b]
Please consider the free Wiggly Ears as our token of apology and a great new beginning for more unique Steam-only features!
* Summer Event (Aug 28 - Sept 22): Someone is going on a big vacay and leaving you in charge! Meanwhile, prepare for trouble cuz these new characters made it double!
* Gardening Feature: A new area has been unlocked to explore! Till the soil and taste the fruits of your own labor!
* New Limited Time Decor: Enjoy the beach vibes indoors this year!
* Garden tutorial: fixed minor details (drag, tap, etc) for smoother flow
* Pesto orders: customers will specify which sauce and how many pizzas (If no specification, can use either sauce)
* Stackable sauces: players must use one layer of sauce for a perfect score (Sauces are no longer mix/stackable for easy scores)
* Minor translation improvements
* Minor order improvements
[b]Bug Fixes:[/b]
* Wrong Response Order: A few new orders had wrong reactions for the right toppings
* Chapter 3/ Day Restart: Some users had their game crash when using the secret powder from Chapter 3 or had to restart the day(accept quest again) after the garden tutorial.
* Decor Reset: Some players were unable to equip their decor items instead of default items
* ‘No cut’ order bug fix: Some customers asked pizza to be ‘uncut’ but had wrong response
* Minor bugs and order error fix
Please keep in mind that the event will start ONLY if you finish the garden tutorial, meaning the garden and the storyline will only be appear once you can enter the garden.
Facing another doughy situation? [b]Please email anytime for help![/b] Have a slice day!