GPGP Is Launching Officially On Steam!
Author: yuni,
published 2 years ago,
The TapBlaze Team is happy to announce ‘Good Pizza, Great Pizza’ in its final stages of leaving Early Access and launching officially on Steam.
[b]With 2 weeks before our official launch, we would like to inform a few important changes coming to the platform on 12/16/2022:[/b]
[b]• Hassle-free TapBlaze ID creation:[/b]
You no longer have to use your email to sign up for a TapBlaze ID server back up. The game should automatically give you a TapBlaze ID and save a back-up file on our servers if you are signed in to a Steam ID.
[b]• Separation from mobile/ tablet version of GPGP:[/b]
Steam is launching as a separate entity upon official launch. Gearing more effort towards bringing more exclusive DLCs, better balancing and PC optimizations, all saves, syncs and transfers will be available across Steam ONLY.
Please let our support team know if you would like a transfer of your approximate game progress from mobile to Steam (Steam to mobile) before 12/14/2022, 11:59PM PST.
[b]• MORE Steam exclusive content are coming:[/b]
Just like the Steam exclusive Cyber Pizzeria DLC, we will be developing new exclusive changes on the PC version: more DLCs, different economic balancing, discount deals and new features are coming starting 2023.
We hope to further continue our journey in the world of PC gaming. Please stay tuned for more exciting content and changes to come!
Thank you for your support.
-TapBlaze Team
P.S. [b]Cyber Pizzeria DLC [/b]is gifted free of charge to all our Early Access players in appreciation for your support in our most unstable times! It will be sold separately for all other players after our official launch on [b]12/16/2022[/b] and IS EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON STEAM. Please check the requirements to receive the gift under the announcement images below.
[b]The Cyber Pizzeria Set is gifted free of charge to all Early Access players that meet the following conditions:[/b]
- You have purchased or received a gift of a copy of our game before 12/16/2022.
- You are signed in through Steam Cloud in Good Pizza Great Pizza game settings
- Check the night shop under 'Early Access' tab to see them all. Decorations are exclusive to Steam game only and does not transfer to any other platform.