[h3]FIXED[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed old fashioned Skull rewards in the fourth island. [*] Fixed that unlocking a class did not pay the cost. [*] Fixed Skull rewards in high level Miracles. [*] Fixed Sneaky Dream unlocks happening. [*] Fixed the spaces in the Challenge Heresy tooltip [*] Fixed the spaces in the Carnival [*] Fixed nothing happening at a marriage [*] Added some missing icons [*] Happenings at temples no longer spawn people at the wrong places [*] Miracle choices are now grayed out when unavailable [*] People will not build their districts on top of natural features, like the small pond [*] Fixed a bug where selection outlines were not shown for certain districts [*] Fixed a crash when inspecting 'Your Religions' with old records present. [*] Fixed a crash when disciples evaluated abilities with no possible targets present. [*] Fixed a crash when using the Holy Trial god action. [*] Fixed a crash when inspecting slotted disciples during a follow-up Sacrament within the same trial. [*] Fixed a crash when a Hermit returned from their pilgrimage. [/list] [h3]BALANCE[/h3] [list] [*] Songsmith Base ability now has no Bonus scaler. [*] Ambassador's "Peace for All" passive now also implies the AoE Hit penalty. [/list] [h3]ADDED[/h3] [list] [*] Added 4 new dreams; Extra initiative, Extra Crit, Extra Hit Chance and Extra Smarts. [/list]