Previously we explored the [url=]Reus[/url] and [url=]Renowned Explorers[/url] era. It's time to take a look into the most challenging time of the Abbey. What happened between the cloister walls in that period? Godhood started as an offshoot idea of Reus. What if you could guide generation upon generation? What if you could really guide the people to create their own culture? Not only was this never done before, it was also of a monumental scope! Besides, it also had to be a game, not just a linear story! First it would be a Polynesian setting, with a very unique art style! [img][/img] [i]It looked great, but we had no game yet![/i] But things were moving in different directions quickly. The development was hampered by illness and misunderstanding. Wonderful things were made by individuals, but we struggled to put it all together. The art didn't fit the design, the design didn't fit the tech, and the tech didn't fit the art. Were the monks cursed? Had we built our tower of Babylon to close to the face of God? [img][/img] [i]At some point, Godhood even was a pokemon battle game![/i] It all came to big explosion at the Abbey. Monks left or were forced to leave the Abbey, even when the game was not finished at all. It was a very sad moment for everyone involved. The remaining monks took a good hard look into the mirror. We overshot our ambitions and needed to give attention to Godhood's core! [img][/img] [i]An Abbey Games Monk looking for introspection. 2020.[/i] The monks turned the game around with hard work and a great community that helped where it could. With that, the Abbey gained a chance to look at a future again! [b]Still, from Godhood we take our love for culture, history and human development.[/b] It will surely pop up in the Abbey's coming project! Join us tomorrow with the last tale of the Abbey; the present and future! It will be posted on the [url=]Abbey Games Developer[/url] page, so follow us there to see it! See you tomorrow, as we peer into our crystal ball... P.S. If you want to chat with us, feel free to join our [url=]Discord[/url]!