Hi there young gods, Last week, we told you all about the [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/917150/announcements/detail/1602636600171296133]"Will of the People"[/url] [/b]Update that's coming in two weeks and [b]improves[/b] the game in a couple of [b]core gameplay [/b]aspects. We also briefly mentioned that we'll do three streams in the run-up to the release of this update. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33418152/b145b1b5dde178e9e882fba29bce5e960c6fffd4.png[/img] [list] [*][b] July 24th, 7PM CEST / 11AM PDT - Questions Stream:[/b] Rick will play through the Early Access build of Godhood one last time will talking through the main points of feedback we've received from the community and players over these past two weeks. If you have any questions you feel haven't been answered yet: bring them along! [*] [b]July 31st, 7PM CEST / 11AM PDT - Preview Stream:[/b] Rick will stream a preview build to show off some of the new features the Will of the People update is going to bring! So if you want a sneak peak, this is your chance! [*] [b]August 7, 7PM CEST / 11AM PDT - Will of the People Launch: [/b]If you haven't gotten your hands on the game yet, and feel curious, or if you just want to hang out with Rick in the stream and see him play through this newly updated build of the game: join us in the stream! [/list] We hope to see you around! And until then, keep spreading the good word. Cheers from the Abbey, -Joni