[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33418152/4a7b1ecaa4e6ada4d9d997a00b8cbd03646bcd35.png[/img] Hey young gods, Today we launched the very first major update to Godhood in Early Access. Our goal for this update was to add more strategy & choices and increase the challenge of Godhood. In order to meet this goal, we're introducing a number of brand new features! [list] [*] Worshipper Enthusiasm: Keep your flock happy! [*] Holy Tribute: Sanctify your resources! [*] Updated Faith Mechanics: Manage your fickle flock! [*] New Construction Mechanics: You choose what to build! [*] 8 new support buildings: Expand your Holy Site! [*] New final island: Challenge Quetzalcoatl! [*] Difficulty Settings: How do you like to play? [/list] You can read more in-depth about the update over [url=https://community.abbeygames.com/threads/major-update-1-will-of-the-people-update.389/]on our community forums.[/url]. Enjoy! Kind regards from the Abbey, -Joni PS: We're streaming the update tonight! Tune in at 7 PM CEST to join Rick in a showcase of all things new in the game.