Full Moon Update #3: Strawberry Moon
Author: Jonidus,
published 5 years ago,
[url=https://community.abbeygames.com/threads/full-moon-update-3-strawberry-moon.192/][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33418152/83aa1c622267802444daf780aa5438043911dcaa.png[/img]Highlights of this update:[/url]
[*] Final Beta Build
[*] Streamlining of the start of the game
[*] New Commandment: Chastity
[*] New Coming of Age and Disciple Levelling
[*] HUD Overhaul
[*] Info about the final stretch towards the Early Acces Release on July 10th
[*] [url=https:/twitch.tv/abbeygames]Stream of the Beta Build later tonight![/url]