[url=https://community.abbeygames.com/threads/full-moon-update-3-flower-moon.153/][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33418152/9e07856af5a4b5d70d6a0d87d2df185cbf2fbe60.png[/img]For the Hindus of times past, the Flower Moon marks a time of increasing fertility and temperatures warm enough to safely bear your young. It's no surprise that the enterprising Abbey monks put a lot of focus on the Lust Commandment for this FULL MOON UPDATE![/url] Highlights: [list][*] Mac & Linux [*] A New World Map [*] Religious Relics [*] The Lust Commandment [/list]