[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43837161/f746ef37b02ab08b9c77ce6dfc54d36d0d5d451a.png[/img] Today’s the day! Go-Go Town! is OUT NOW IN EARLY ACCESS! 🎉 We’ve also got a lovely launch discount, so the game will be 10% off for the next two weeks. [previewyoutube=pk7FrfoQGJY;full][/previewyoutube] Because there’s a lot of machines and recipes and things of that nature to keep track of, [url=https://gogotown.wiki.gg/wiki/Go-Go_Town_Wiki]we now officially have A WIKI[/url]. It’s a thing of beauty, and a great reference point when you can’t remember exactly which veggies go into a Relaxo Blast (carrot + beetroot). And please feel free to contribute and edit to your heart’s content -but be warned, though - spoilers abound! [url=https://gogotown.wiki.gg/wiki/Go-Go_Town_Wiki][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43837161/2c3be2988656f3d0e3fbb1319c30d2e73d069170.jpg[/img][/url] We’re so glad you’re along for our journey. If you want to dive in even deeper in the Go-Go Town! community, we’ve got a great active [url=https://discord.gg/pridefulsloth]Discord[/url] that you’re welcome to join. And now that we’re officially in Early Access, if you want a refresher of what our roadmap for the next year (ish) looks like, here you go: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43837161/51efb55a0ef42986d634c4be8129d03a56c5913a.jpg[/img]