Welcome hunters! So the moment has come for the release of the second part of the "Terrifying" update. It was the most voluminous and difficult part of this update cycle. So, let's talk about the update itself in more detail. [h2]Ghosts[/h2] [i]Games are over[/i] Much of the ghost has been reworked and added:: The AI of ghosts during hunting has been completely redesigned, now entities rely more on the sound that you make chasing the sounds of your steps and equipment. Now the ghost will definitely check the place where he last heard the sounds and can even check the cabinets - an updated mini-game during which you need to hold the cursor in a certain area, if you fail the event, then with a high probability the ghost will open the closet. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Minigame.gif[/img] [i]The ghosts gain strength and try to get you out as quickly as possible[/i] [b]14 new ghostly events to keep you even more at bay while hunting on ghost. [/b] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Scrim_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/scrim_flying_things.gif[/img] [h3]Unique abilities and traits[/h3] [i]The longer they are in our world, the stronger they become[/i] A new level of abilities of ghosts and demons, after you meet with one type of entity a sufficient number of times, it will become stronger and acquire new features that can both help determine the type faster and cause a lot of problems during the order. [b]Amanojaku[/b] New unique trait: sanity meter of the hunters may be displayed incorrectly. [b]Caoineag[/b] New unique trait:Caoineag will try to drive the victim insane by implying that it’s nearby. [b]Dibbuk[/b] New unique trait:Dibbuk will silently close the door and start the hunt. At first, it won’t make any sounds, the sensors will also be silent [b]Djinn[/b] New unique trait:A small chance to turn on all the electric items in the house at once [b]Doppler[/b] New unique trait:Creates a trap-room, with its clone standing in it, which also produces sounds. If a hunter enters this room, all doors close on lock in the house, including closet doors. [b]Kijo[/b] New unique trait:If you look at Kijo, your vision will become worse for some time. [b]Mara[/b] New unique trait:can temporarily disable your flashlight. [b]Mogwai[/b] New unique trait:can drop the temperature in the house extremely low, slowing down the players. [b]Mononoke[/b] New unique trait:Can knock things off the walls and other surfaces. [b]Myling[/b] New unique trait:can produce a harsh rumble during the hunt, which desorients the hunters and makes them drop the item in their hands. [b]Obake[/b] New unique trait:if Obake breaks the Astaroth seal, it will start the hunt and will get a 10-second speed boost. [b]Oni[/b] New unique trait:its stomping during the hunt can knock candles and ritual items off the exile seal. [b]Onryo[/b] New unique trait:you can see blood drops on the floor. [b]Piru[/b] New unique trait:closes the door in its favorite room during the hunt. [b]Pishachi[/b] New unique trait:can open false portals. You will only hear a sound, which will disappear when getting closer. [b]Poltergeist[/b] New unique trait:during the hunt, can lift objects in the air in a few rooms at once (screamer with physical objects, but in a few different places at once). [b]Reiki[/b] New unique trait:the more tools there are in the house, the faster Reiki is during the hunt. (1% speed for every tool, but no more than 20%) [b]Revenant[/b] New unique trait:using a crucifix on him will provoke a second hunt during which the Revenant will be speeded up. [b]Shinigami[/b] New unique trait:can open all closets at once during the hunt. [b]Shiryo[/b] New unique trait:if all hunters will be in close proximity to Shiryo for more than ? seconds, it will turn off the light and appear before every hunter. [h3]No - constant hunting![/h3] We noticed that there are times when a ghost storms hunters with constant attacks and does not let them breathe. Now it has been reworked and with each new attack the entity will lose strength and the gap between materializations will increase. The number of attacks and the increase in time depends on the difficulty. [h3]And also...[/h3] - A new model of the ghost boy. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41456438/c71b30f1eedc987a970c33f628e3bf01162633ce.jpg[/img] - New sounds of footsteps while hunting. - The protective seal now stops hunting with one hundred percent probability. [h2]Equipment[/h2] [i]We need the best equipment for successful hunting...[/i] The military leadership has provided you with new and updated equipment for more productive work. [h3]Rover[/h3] For solo hunters and not only, an assistant has been added that will not only deliver things to you from a container or collect things scattered around the house, but also protect you during a ghost attack. In the phone, you can find a tab for controlling the rover (a module is needed) and set it one of the behavior schemes: [b]Collector[/b] The "Collector" behavior scheme has three behavior settings: - Collect all the items in the house and return them to the container - Collects all items that lie for more than 3 minutes and are not in the same room with the seal of exile -Collects all the items that fell out of the dead players [b]Defender[/b] The "Defender" behavior scheme has three behavior settings: - Uses incense and a cross when the ghost is near the rover - Uses incense and a cross when the ghost has noticed the player and is near the rover - Will look for a ghost after the start of the hunt in order to apply a cross or incense on it Or give him a specific command or a list of commands that he will execute in turn. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/rover_take_item.gif[/img] [b]List of commands:[/b] - Bring the item to the player who gives the command. It is necessary to select an item from the list (the distance from the player to the item is indicated next to the name of the item) - Bring a thing to a certain room. It is necessary to choose the room to which the rover will deliver the item, and then select the item to be delivered. - Come to the room. The rover will arrive at the room selected from the list and will wait there for the next team. - Take the thing. Takes the item selected from the list and puts it in the trunk. - Quit everything. Throws away all the things that are in the trunk. [b]Hard reboot[/b] If the rover has started experiencing problems, try restarting it. [i]The technique is still...[/i] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/rover_run.gif[/img] [h3]Remake of the phone[/h3] Redesigned the phone model, as well as its internal functions and UI. Now, in addition to the inventory, the phone has applications: - Rover control application (module required) - Application of remote switch-on of the switchboard (module required) - The "My Tasks" application. Remote viewing of additional tasks, as well as tracking their execution - vibration when performing a task.(module required) - The application "My indicators". Displays the sanity levels of all hunters in the order, as well as the overall sanity level.(module required) Now the phone will notify you about the beginning of the hunt and about its end. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Phone_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Phone_2.png[/img] [h3]That's not all...[/h3] - Activity printing now has a new functionality - after printing, it must be activated (interaction key) thereby provoking abnormal activity in the ghost's favorite room. The print has a new effect and sound that will increase over time. REMEMBER! Long-term use of printing is fraught! After a few seconds, the seal will break and cause a hunt, use with caution. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/activ_seal.gif[/img] [b]You can use it to find the ghost's favorite room or to summon an early hunt.[/b] - Restyle the recorder and a new UI. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Dictophone.png[/img] - Now the standard set of tools has one laser projector and one voice recorder. - The recorder has been removed from the store since it now comes in a standard set of tools. - The devices now emit sounds and attract a ghost while hunting. [h2]Sounds[/h2] - Added surround sound system. Now the sounds that are behind the wall or far away from the player will be muted, and those that are nearby will be more voluminous. - New ambient sounds that make orders more atmospheric. A crushing sound in the absence of light, creaks, knocks and other things that keep you in suspense. - Now, when the light is on, there is no oppressive sound of darkness. - Devices now also emit sounds that the ghost hears and react to ghostly events. [h2]Additional content[/h2] The world of shadows has been completely redesigned. Added a soul lamp that will help you in the world of shadows. With the help of a lamp, you need to hold a light before the ritual seal, and it also has the ability to scare away shadows around you (RMB). But not everything is so simple, the guardian of the world of shadows has locked a piece of a kind soul in a cage and you need to open it to release the light. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/SW_lamp.png[/img] After opening the portal to the world of shadows, take the lamp from the container, throw away all other objects, then enter the world of shadows. You will need to find the hint symbols that will open the cell. There are three symbols in total and the ordinal number is indicated on them in Roman numerals (except for the complexity "Insane"). Find all three symbols, and then enter the desired sequence on the runestones above the cage. After a short delay, the cage will open and you can use a lamp (LMB) to tighten a piece of the soul to guide it to printing. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/SW_cell.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/SW_simbol.png[/img] The guardian of the world of shadows will do everything possible to prevent you from releasing a piece of soul. She moves to different rooms, patrols the house and runs to the place where you touched the shadow. Remember, when the lamp is on, the guardian of the shadow world sees you better. At the "Insane" difficulty level, you may need to spend a piece of the soul several times, there is also no numbering with a symbol and you need to select a combination. If the combination is entered incorrectly, the guardian of shadows will run to the cage - hide! [b]The reward for completing an order with the shadow world enabled has been significantly increased[/b] [h2]Maps and a new item search[/h2] The visual appearance of all maps has been redesigned. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Plastic_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Plastic_2.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Plastic_3.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Atmos_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Atmos_2.png[/img] The interior of wooden houses "Hodge" and "Dwarflake" has been changed. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Hodge_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Hodge_2.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Hodge_3.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Dwarf_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Dwarf_2.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Dwarf_3.png[/img] The exterior of the main lobby building has been updated, and the training center has been moved to the main building. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Lobby.jpg[/img] Added a new "Diner" map - an abandoned diner with a terrible secret. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (2).png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (3).png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (4).png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (5).png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (6).png[/img] [i]The diner looks a little more than it seems...[/i] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Diner (1).png[/img] The mechanics of searching for items such as plug of switch, passport, favorite items, etc. have been redesigned. Now you don't need to open dozens of cabinets and drawers to find the right item. The items are distributed around the house and can lie in prominent places, as well as in various chests, suitcases, safes and caskets. The boxes have not been completely removed, but they have become much smaller and are now marked. Items are now highlighted to make it easier for you to notice them. REMEMBER! Chests, safes and caskets are locked with a key, look for it. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Find_things.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Find_things_2.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/Find_things_3.png[/img] Added several notes describing the history of the game, you can find them in the lobby and on the new map. [i]Read them all to understand how it all started...[/i] [h2]More changes and additions[/h2] New cosmetic items in the locker room. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/cloth_1.png[/img] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Terra_2/cloth_2.png[/img] [b][i]And many other things look in the wardrobe[/i][/b] The system of searching for clues to discover inaccessible types of ghosts has become more sensitive. A new epic effect at the end of the exile (without screenshots, you will see for yourself) Optimization of the main menu and new settings: - Bloom Scale - setting the glow strength - Setting up antialiasing - Shadow Settings - Real-time reflections - Particle Settings - Setting up Hair Physics Added hair physics The insurance module has been redesigned. The cost has been recalculated and the insurance is now more adequate. [b]The school was closed for recycling. We realized that the "School" map is too big and large for research, search and exile, so we decided to close it for recycling. [/b] The network has been optimized - the number of requests per second has been reduced, as well as the load on the network has been reduced by separating the request flows. [u][b]Optimized loading to the main menu at the start of the game.[/b][/u] New boot screen to the main menu. Reduced RAM consumption on all maps and in the lobby. - Fixed a bug where sliding doors would not open when "simplified interaction with doors" was enabled - Fixed a bug when things that the player (Client) had did not fall out of it when disconnected from the server. [b]Many of the added mechanics and systems are insufficiently tested and may contain errors. If you find an error or a visual bug, visit our server[url=https://discord.gg/K3TpZPccqH]Discord[/url] and let us know about it, let's improve the game together![/b]