Hello hunters, we have worked on the minuses of part 1 of the update once again, and decided to make some changes. [h2]Light Mode[/h2] The first changes that worried us were the lighting mode in the dark, some players asked us to return the lighting back, of course we won't return anything back, but we tried to make it optional. We have added a new setting (Lighting Mode), it has 3 modes (Darker , Lighter, Vision Problem), each of them changes the lighting in its own way. Darker ( Brightness - 1.5 ) [img]https://ghost-exile.site/img/3_d.png[/img] Lighter ( Brightness - 1.5 ) [img]https://ghost-exile.site/img/2_d.png[/img] Vision Problem ( Brightness - 1.5 ) [img]https://ghost-exile.site/img/1_d.png[/img] Do not forget that the brightness setting also plays a role, so when choosing the lighting mode, also adjust the brightness to your liking [h2]Evidence viewer[/h2] This system caused a lot of complaints, so we worked on it, corrected some inaccuracies because of which sometimes the system did not count the evidence. And also simplified the model of calculating the definition, which will also eliminate failures in it. [h2]Ghost Research[/h2] We have been thinking about this problem for a long time and also identified some problems that can cause negativity during the game. We have added 2 new buttons to the book that will slightly smooth out the corners of the dissatisfied. 1 - Share records ( now you can share the open ghosts in your diary with the whole team , so if you played without friends or just want to share your records with someone by clicking on this button , you will send the records to everyone who is with you in the match ) 2 - Exclude impossible evidence (By clicking on the (Exclude incorrect evidence) button, the book will tell you what you need to check to get 3 proof, remember that the button is unlocked when you enter 2 correct evidence. Example: [img]https://ghost-exile.site/img/2_correct_evi.png[/img] Other changes: [list] [*] Fixed with favorite things that didn't sync if the player isn't the host. [*] In Insane mode, you can't drop a lamp in the ventilation [*] In Insane mode on the school map in the ventilation, the consumption of sanity is reduced by 35% [*] On difficulty (higher Experienced), the intensity of opening portals is reduced, as well as the strength of closing the portal is increased [/list]