Hello hunters! That's the part we promised. Unfortunately, it didn't come out as soon as we planned - circumstances. This update contains a new "School" map, new additional content (works only on the School map) and more. [h2]New map - School[/h2] [i]The corridors of this old school are fraught with danger. Not every hunter can cope with the evil in this building. The corridors are barricaded, and some passages are bricked up, you have to find a non-standard passage to the right room. Be careful![/i] The first big map in the game with its own personal additional content! Before including additional content, we advise you to explore it without blocked rooms and corridors, as it may seem difficult for inexperienced players. Also, with the addition of a ventilation system, a new kind of death has appeared - "death in ventilation" we advise you to see it for yourself. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/school_preview.gif[/img] [h3]Additional content - "School - Ventilation"[/h3] This is a new content that will only work if you select the "School" card in the selection of orders, the content adds blocked rooms and corridors (each new match will block different rooms). Since the rooms are blocked, you need to use a ventilation system. It allows you to access any of the blocked rooms. It will be more difficult for you to identify the ghost and deal with it. Also, after dying in the ventilation, the ghost will drag the player into a random room. Your friend will have to explain where his corpse is in order to pick up some things or take a picture of it. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/schoolvents.gif[/img] [b]We also thought that 3 slots for tools is not enough considering what we will add in the future and decided to add 4 slots in advance. And also now you can take equipment even if you have other equipment in your hands if there is a free slot.[/b] [h2]Update list:[/h2] [list] [*] School map added [*] Added new additional content [*] Updated Spanish [*] Added French [*] Added 4 tool slots [*] The seal trap is now triggered only when a ghost is chasing a target [*] Now you can take additional tools even if you have another tool in your hand [/list] [h2]Plans for December[/h2] There are not so many plans for December, because at the end of the year I want to have a little rest. It has been a busy year, we have worked hard, but we are also ready to work further! There is not much waiting for you in December, but we will write about it right away. [list] [*] New location map system [*] New display of ectoplasm traces and proper network operation [*] Replacement of the UV lamp model [*] Replacement of the model and operation of the laser projector [*] New Year's Event [*] Recycling and refinement of old locations [/list] [b]There is a lot of work waiting for us at the beginning of next year, and a lot of interesting things are waiting for you. We are grateful to every player who appreciated our project and believes in us to the end (We love you, thank you!). [/b]