Hello hunters! These are intermediate innovations before the second part of the big update. We have received many requests from players who, for various reasons, cannot use speech recognition. Therefore, we decided not to delay and deal with this issue. [h2]New languages[/h2] We have added several new languages to the game: [list] [*] Chinese [*] Turkish [*] Hungarian (Without recognition support) [/list] [b]We would like to thank the people who helped with the translation.[/b] [b][i]Thank you very much![/i][/b] [i]qsefthuopq (Horace Pan) - Chinese poowN - Turkish C A P P S Y - Hungarian [/i] [h2]Command system[/h2] We have created a command system that will help players who for some reason cannot use the microphone (This option must be enabled in the game settings). When using a particular tool, you can use a command system to interact with this tool, as well as with the ghost. [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/gif_without_mic1.gif[/img] Also people who get [b]crash[/b] games can now run the game without the recognition library when loading (Select "Start without SRS") and also use the command system. [h2]New visual models of some tools[/h2] The wall thermometer and sound sensor now have a new look [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Sound_senser.png[/img] [i]Sound sensor[/i] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Temp_sensor.png[/img] [i]Wall thermometer[/i] [h2]Other changes[/h2] [list] [*] Optimized most of the textures in the game [*] Various fixes on maps [*] Fixed positioning of portals and souls [*] Fixed trigger at the beginning of the maze of death [*] Ghost note is now created closer to the player [*] The brightness level in the world of shadows in the museum has been increased [*] Now when you start the game, all additional content is disabled by default [/list]