[i]We had to release an update a little earlier than we wanted to fix the portals. Because of this, we will publish some of the work already done, in this update. So there will be another update with fixes![/i] [b]Simplified Door and Drawer Opening Mode - If you are experiencing difficulties with the current door opening system, you can enable simplified interaction mode open and close doors with a single key (default is E)[/b] List: [list] [*] Now, to select a ritual, you need to hold down the mouse button in the book of rituals. [*] Ghost Event - the crawling ghost now always starts from ghost favorite room, the exception is the 2nd stage of the ghost event 'Moaning Ghost'. [*] Now the chosen ritual in the book of rituals is marked with a red frame. [*] Required size for the full opening of the portal to the ghost world has been increased by 15%. [*] Now, when the connection is broken, the portal does not kill, but steals 50% of the mind. [*] The volume and intensity of the sound of the ambient in the house has been changed. [*] Items in drawers now move better (without significant lag) when the player is not the host. [*] Fixed a bug with the camera flash hanging. [/list]