[list] [*] Now if you take a picture of several things that may be the ghost's favorite thing, the photo will not be counted even if the ghost's favorite thing turns out to be among them. [*] Removed stamina in the lobby [*] Now stamina is spent 4 times less if the ghost is not in hunting mode [*] The door to the container will not close now while there is a player nearby [*] Reduced the frequency of switching off the fuses box as well as reduced the chance that the ghost will accidentally turn it off. [*] Reduced CPU load [*] Fixed a bug where training could start in a normal game if a player started loading into training and abruptly closed the game and then tried to play a normal match. [*] Now the training computer in the recruit center has an interaction distance [*] Fixed a bug where the camera in the player's hands hung after being mounted on a tripod [*] Fixed a bug where sometimes items outside the container were invisible to some players [*] Fixed a bug where the portal to the ghost world was almost impossible to close [*] Now the name of the map is displayed on the map monitor in the upper right corner [*] Fixed a bug where the motion sensor was triggered constantly while the player (not the host) was standing in the area of the motion sensor [*] Fixed a bug where brightness after banishment was kept in the lobby [/list] [i]The next patch will also be devoted to corrections, we want to touch on the tool selection system, and ritual items. After the next patch, we will start working on a major update![/i]