[h1]News from development[/h1] Hello again, hunters! Our development team is here with some news. (And some goodies, too). [h2]Camera Preview[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/CameraPreview.gif[/img] Now, when you set the Preview mode on your camera, you can decide which area is visible through the lens. This feature is useful when there is too little space and you cannot measure by eye if the camera "sees" what you need. [h2]Graffiti[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Spray.gif[/img] Use graffiti! For your own protection and for the ritual of exorcism, you can draw protective signs. However, use them wisely: rather than banishing, they may enrage some ghosts. [h2]Energy shield[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/LightSys.gif[/img] To turn on the electricity, find the fuses and activate the shield.