[h1]News from development[/h1] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Head.gif[/img] Hi there, hunters! Here is some news from our development team. [h2]Ouija Board[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Ouji.gif[/img] This tool lets you communicate with spirits, ask them questions, and get answers to help solve the case. The [b]Ouija board[/b] can be found in a random place in the house, or else not found at all. [h2]Boiler[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/Boiler.gif[/img] Once you switch the electricity you need to start the heating. For that, you turn the boiler on. Beware and keep an eye on the temperature in the house. Some ghosts like it cold and will want to stop you. [h2]Lighting system[/h2] [img]https://ghost-exile.site/steam-files/light.gif[/img] If there is electricity, turn it on: this will keep you calm and sane. Different ghosts prefer a different degree of illumination. You never know what your godsend will be, light or darkness.