GearBlocks Demo 0.7.8563
Author: danger726,
published 1 year ago,
Hey everyone, quite a few fixes and improvements have accumulated since the last demo update, so I decided it was worth releasing another one.
Release notes:-
[*]Many optimisations to UI, overlays, and indicators. Improves performance especially with a large number of parts / constructions.
[*]Minor tweaks to builder tool:-
[*]Click and drag "threshold" now only applies to move manipulator.
[*]Prevented dragging the part selection's pivot point below ground.
[*]Increased targeting distance.
[*]Removed "Prevent Interpenetration When Attaching Parts" toggle from "advanced options" (still available in the demo by setting "PartPenetrationTestEnabled" to false in the debug console).
[*]Added toggle to "advanced options" to disable the centre of mass indicator.
[*]Modified control wheel part behaviour to check for player distance and facing direction.
[*]Added option to light part behaviour settings for disabling shadow casting.
[*]Implemented copy paste for part behaviour settings.
[*]Improved part resizing indicator to show numbered unit dimensions.
[*]Gear engagement indicators now shown for all gears in part selection when aligning.
[*]Added settings to controls options to invert horizontal and / or vertical mouse rotation of the part selection.
[*]Updated help UI screen.
[*]Bug fixes.
[*]Upgraded to Unity 2021.3.26.