Hi all, another minor demo update is out now with some small usability improvements and visual changes to the in-game maps. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37970304/72807e88a7cc68558f3178b52d17a8a5472fe987.jpg[/img] Release notes:- [list] [*]Minor usability improvements:- [list] [*]Builder tool actions (unfreeze, duplicate part, and delete part) now work even when targeting a manipulator handle. [*]Unfrozen (individual) parts can now be directly deleted, without having to freeze them first. [*]Move manipulator part resizing now works even when "transform" and "resize" actions are bound to the same keys. [*]When no tool is active, the targeted part is only highlighted if it has an activatable or tweakable behaviour. [/list] [*]Improvements to the "desert proving ground" map:- [list] [*]Implemented height based texture blending in the terrain shaders. [*]Replaced terrain textures. [*]Added grass and trees. [*]Implemented a rudimentary "weather" system that adjusts the sky between clear and cloudy. [*]Improved atmospheric scattering to better visually blend between the terrain, distant terrain, and sky. [/list] [*]Improvements to the "flat plane" map:- [list] [*]Expanded its size to 8x8km. [*]Replaced floor texture. [*]Replaced sky with an environment cube map. [/list] [*]Raised boundary height to 2 km in all maps. [*]Bug fixes. [*]Upgraded to Unity 2019.4.38. [/list]