Hey everyone! We are excited to announce that [b]G.I. JOE: Wrath of Cobra [/b] is participating at PAXEast as part of our publisher, Freedom Games Booth. [h3][b]If you are at PAXEast, you can stop by booth #15096, and be among the first people to play the game...ever!! [i]Outside of us devs and the Freedom Games Team :)[/i] [/b][/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44575531/3449c8c3c2206d7747fde4791fe619657fecd4e9.png[/img] [b]Freedom Games is also running some cool giveaways at Pax, so stop by their booth for a chance to win some cool swag and games! [/b] We can't wait to hear from everyone at PAX, and for those who want get their hands on a demo...don't forget to wishlist the game so you don't miss out on any news!!! You can also join our [url=https://discord.gg/rX7ethWuwH]Discord[/url] to keep up to date and hang out with us devs! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2516170/GI_Joe_Wrath_of_Cobra/