FURTIVE has now released on Steam! Pick it up for 10% off. [previewyoutube=J3kxhoNqsiE;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] Be sure to check out the Gameplay Deep Dive to get up to scratch on what to do in FURTIVE [previewyoutube=9iUENJOvxmI;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] [b]Release Notes[/b] [list] [*]The Corocotta HV-1 has been temporarily been disabled for client players, the hosting player can still use as normal. This will be fixed as soon as possible. [/list] Please provide us with your feedback and any issues you run into to help us shape FURTIVE. We have a broad road map ready to show you for our future plans this year. This should give you a look at when we plan to release our content updates, but the content will be decided upon when we have more feedback from our players on the sort of stuff they want to see. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41181979/4d3397eac2ce69cea4a6d3d96f3d23ed278727cc.png[/img] Thank you all and we hope you enjoy FURTIVE!