Hello dear friends! In April, we announced that we are working on a new game, 'Nanuka: Secret of the Shattering Moon'. Today, we are excited to release a devlog where we share more details about the development process and the idea behind this colorful 2D cinematic puzzle platformer. In this video, you will hear from Ali (lead developer) along with Leo and Tom (pixel artists and animators) as they explore the differences between Nanuka and Full Void from a game design perspective, discuss artistic choices, and talk through the prototype phase that led us to the final concept. [previewyoutube=LLVvVhqehiY;full][/previewyoutube] This is the first in a series of monthly devlogs that we are releasing on YouTube. We hope you enjoy the video and subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever a new episode is out. Also, if you have questions you would like to ask the developers, please write them in the comments, and we will answer them in a future devlog. To learn more about 'Nanuka: Secret of the Shattering Moon', visit the Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2810190/ And don't forget to wishlist to support our indie studio! Thank you and all our best wishes! The OutOfTheBit Team