Hello, dear players and community members! As you know we've been hard at work on Full Void, refining the gameplay and adding a layer of polish to make it an unforgettable experience for all of you. However, during this process, we decided to add a bit more vital content to the game. This means more features, more levels, and more fun for you to enjoy. We genuinely believe that this extra content will significantly enhance your gaming experience and make it worth the wait. That being said, due to the addition of this new content, the polishing process has taken a bit longer than we initially anticipated. We understand that you've all been eagerly waiting for the game's release, and we appreciate the support you've given us so far. We want to assure you that our team is working full-time to finalise the game and deliver it to you in the best possible condition. Our top priority is to provide you with an immersive, enjoyable, and complete experience that you'll cherish for a long time. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and continuous support. We're confident that you'll love what we have in store for you, and we can't wait for you to dive into the world we've created! Stay tuned for more updates, and keep an eye on our Steam page for the upcoming release date announcement! Best regards, The OutOfTheBit Team