Hey Everyone, Here's another update that should fix some major bugs highlighted by the community. There are also some small QoL changes. 0.1c [list] [*]Fixed a bug that would cause buildings to be placed en-masse unintentionally [*]Fixed infinite upgrades when selecting "Field Upgrades" [*]Fixed energy and health carrying across games if a game is left and another started with the same captain [*]You can now deselect buildings by holding shift (multiselect) and clicking on them [*]Fixed the cursor not resetting when spawning your captain [*]Added a water indicator to houses if they are powered off due to insufficient water production [*]Fixed saved games where a neutral village has been destroyed not running correctly [*]Improved some GUI text for rocket and plasma androids [*]Walls will now be highlighted on a smaller grid [/list] Let me know on [url=https://discord.gg/MBDTj7Zenk]Discord[/url] if you experience any more issues.