[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26339228/ad510e10ad8aa0152dbe3e87c16e7a6c83054b37.png[/img] Hey again, dear readers. As promised, in this update we will be going over more about the romance options available during the Freeborn story campaign. Introducing this new social mechanic into the game was something we’ve wanted to do for a long time, and we feel it will greatly enhance the narrative experience as you navigate deeper relationships with your party and other recurring characters you meet across your adventures. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26339228/f0aa75f3bd702e40ff48b00b3522e1bf0a575004.png[/img] [i]Caption: Mark stands among surreal, blue trees and floating crystals. [/i] Last time, we teased two brand new characters that will have the potential to become romantic partners as you progress through the game. But what about some of the old faces in the Freeborn crew? Mark will be spending a significant amount of time with his traveling companions. Could the spark occur with any of them? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26339228/66c2ed79b641982144369dbff862bbab056fc4a9.png[/img] [i]Caption: The new Ekosi board shows Krista and Maria facing off. A sign of things to come? [/i] Today, we are here to tell you that the answer is yes! As you might have guessed, some of the original party members were actually the first ones we considered when we decided to add dating mechanics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26339228/3729bb560a8f216d4f6827d40e9245a07571afec.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26339228/39f568651df6528d5dc74e321c0f970322a20cec.png[/img] Many of the quests in Freeborn are centered around your traveling companions and what they’ve done, either in the past or during your travels. Krista and Maria will hold particular importance to the story given the complex relationship they have with each other and their personal goals in life. The opening sections of prior demo builds only scratched the surface of their personalities. While both of them are normally not prone to starting conflict within the party, part of their past will turn into consequences that Mark will have to navigate in the present. Krista and Maria are different from the other romance options in that they already have a history with Mark. The mindscape sections will also dive into the past of both Mark and your party, and it is here where you will find out about their past histories and their connection with other party members. Mark will reflect on his prior actions with his party members, and these decisions may influence certain conversations and actions that take place in the real world. How players navigate the mindscape will be integral in achieving their intended outcome with relationships with their companions. We’ll have more to share on that in the future. Until then, take care and we hope to see you again soon.